Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have more questions? Scroll through our list of Frequently Asked Questions or click one of the links below to skip to the area you would like to know more about. If you still have questions, please contact Moody Central at (312) 329-2020 or


Other Services

Health Forms / Services

Computer Recommendations





What is the best way for Graduate students to get around Chicago?

Most students choose to walk, ride a bike or take the train (CTA). All bicycles must be registered with the Public Safety Office. There is no charge for a Bicycle permit. Students must provide their own bicycle lock. Secure parking is available for bicycles at no charge.

Am I allowed to have a car on campus?

All vehicles parked on-campus are required to have a parking permit. There is a charge per semester for on-campus and commuter students to obtain a permit. A variety of parking permits are available to accommodate different class schedules.

All vehicles must be registered with the Public Safety Office, located in the basement of Crowell Hall. Students will be emailed before the beginning of the semester with instructions for purchasing a parking permit. You may contact the Public Safety Office at, or 312-329-4358. The Public Safety Office is open Mon. through Friday from 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m (Central Time, closes at 3:30 on Fridays). 

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Other Services

Are there counseling services available?

The Counseling Services staff offers a range of services to the Moody community. Students may receive individual, marital, or pre-marital counseling. Students may also participate in a variety of support groups that are offered each semester. The initial assessment is free of charge with subsequent sessions costing $5 per session. However, counseling availability is limited and is not guaranteed for every student. You will not be denied service if  unable to make payments. To make an appointment with one of the counselors or to obtain further information about these services, please call (312) 329-4194 or email

Disability Services

If you have previously had school accommodations for a disability or have been diagnosed with a disability and believe you should have accommodations, please click this link for the Disability Services page, which also includes contact information.

Is there tutoring available?

The Moody Student Resource Center, located on the third floor of Smith Hall, offers academic services including Peer Tutors for specific courses, general writing help and time management. All Moody students are eligible for two hours of free Peer Tutoring per course, per week. For further information, please click this link for the Student Resource Center Academic Assistance page.

How do I receive mail?

You will receive a Campus Post Office (CPO) box number at the beginning of your first semester. This box and number will be used to communicate with you whether you live on or off campus. Your CPO number will have to appear on all incoming mail for proper delivery. Your family and friends can write to you at:

                     Your Name
CPO #xxxx
P.O. Box 10060
Chicago IL 60610 

Items sent via private carriers like UPS or FedEx should be addressed:

                      Your Name
CPO #xxxx
820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago IL 60610

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Health Forms / Services

What health care is available on campus?

Moody Health Service, located on the second floor of Smith Hall, is staffed with an Administrator, Office Coordinator, and Registered Nurses. This department exists to provide care for student illness and injuries.

All students and their spouses are welcome to see the nurse at no charge. A campus physician is available twice a week to see students for a nominal fee.

Am I allowed to submit my information on forms other than those provided?

No, we will only accept documentation on our provided Health Forms.

Please send completed Health Forms to:

                     820 N. LaSalle Blvd. 
Attn: Health Service Department Smith 2
Chicago, Ill 60610

Fax: 312.329.4419

Should I wait until all my forms are completed to submit each form?

No, please submit your forms as they are completed. Please keep a copy of each form for your records.

What are the requirements for Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccinations?

Your Tetanus/Diphtheria booster must be less than 10 years old. The booster is required. All students must document a minimum of 3 Tetanus/Diphtheria doses with at least one dose given less than 10 years ago.

Is a tuberculosis screening required?

Yes. Students have 2 options for completing the screening: a skin test and a blood test. All students must have a screening done less than 1 year before the start of classes. Students who do the blood test must provide a copy of the lab report with your health forms. Students who have received the BCG vaccine must take the blood test.

International students and students traveling overseas must receive the screening 2 weeks after arriving back in the United States. If that 2 weeks happens after the health form due date, please turn in the rest of your health forms by the due date and include a note stating when you will be able to do the screening. If needed, students can complete the screening on campus for a fee.

If you have history of a positive TB Skin Test, you must provide documentation of the positive TB Skin Test, and show proof of completing treatment for latent tuberculosis.

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Computer Recommendations

If I bring my computer, what are Moody's recommendations?

Computers are available on campus, but many students choose to bring their laptops. If you plan to bring a laptop, the following minimum setup is recommended:

  • Operating System
    • Windows 8.1 or newer
    • Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) or newer
    • Linux - Chrome OS
  • Hardware
    • 4 GB of RAM or more
    • Dual-band wireless adapter (wireless internet access is available campus-wide)
  • Software
    • All students have free access to Office 365 while enrolled at Moody
  • Printers
    • Computer labs with printers are available across campus, including one lab in each Residence Hall. Printing is $0.05 per side for black and white, $0.25 for color. Funds can be added to your printing account at
    • Students may also bring personal printers. Wireless printing to personal printers is not supported.

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Can I participate in athletics as a graduate student?

Yes, first year Grad students can play one year of varsity athletics if they have a year of eligibility left in that sport.

Moody sponsors four varsity sports. Men’s Soccer, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Cross Country, and Women’s Volleyball. If you are interested in participating in college athletics, the Moody coaches would like to connect with you (contact information below). More information along with recruiting forms can be found at


Logos access and requirements will be discussed with students in Introduction to Theological Research module in Canvas.

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